
First off, let's talk about page layout.
准则 - 有太多的条条框框会对你的健康产生不好的影响
One designer said that a mark of a designer is when he or she starts to use boxes and rules in his or her pages.

When you look at your page and realize the need to make something attractive and creative out of the boring stuff you've just made, and then decide to throw around a box or two or place rules between columns, then that's the time when your creativity is getting out from confinement.

Before using all the box there is in your software, just remember to do it in moderation. Anything in excess is a bad thing. Sure, boxes and rules are a good way to highlight important information. But if you're going to do it in all your pages, or put virtually everything in a box, then nothing will stand out from the crowd.

准则 - 别把页面一分为二
The best way to infuse excitement and innovation in your documents is to divide the page into thirds. Afterwards, place the most important objects like the headings, photos, and visuals, at the top or bottom third.

Let's go to color.
准则 - 颜色对比度越强可读性越强
Any designer knows that enough contrast between the text and background makes for easy reading of text and material. Often, dark text is used on a light background. And vice versa.

Although light text on a dark background is easy to read, this technique should be used sparingly. It's proven fact that the eyes get more tired when reading large quantities of text on a dark background, than the other way around.

准则 - 珍惜使用的颜色
For impact, designers choose to create their design on more than a single color. But color thrown around everywhere also loses its impact. The rule of thumb: for maximum impact, use color on headings, and the most important words in headings.

准则 - 不要使用互补色
Colors that can be found opposite each other in the color wheel are called complementary colors. For example, blue is opposite orange in the color wheel. When used side by side, the complementary colors can create havoc in our eyes because it would be difficult to focus on both at the same time. In addition, the colors may seem to vibrate when viewed together.

[本日志由 lcy 于 2006-09-07 02:06 AM 编辑]
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